VR simulators

Virtual Reality
training simulators

According by the International Labor Organization (ILO) 2.3 mln. people die annually as a result of accidents at the workplace, which is an average of 6,000 people daily, and 340 mln. accidents and 160 mln victims of occupational diseases are registered annually

VR training simulators - is a software and hardware set that allows to immerse a user in a virtual interactive environment and train them to work with complex equipment without danger to health and environment


In VR, the user will not worry about their health and expensive equipment. However, the environment will allow them to make mistakes and learn from them
No need to build a separate training ground with expensive training facilities. The VR allows to simulate any process and scenario

The VR equipment is easy to install, use, and move to any convenient place
The system of ranking and achievements increases the efficiency of training. The process of studying the material will become more interesting, exciting and responsive to the user

Fields of use:
Work at height
Drilling works
Leak accidents, gas situations
Multidisciplinary simulations
The mobility of the
installation will reduce
the costs of flights
and accommodation of
In the process of training,
an inexperienced trainee
can ruin expensive
equipment. In virtual
reality, he can make
mistakes, which avoids
unexpected costs for the company.
Buying a VR rig once, you can
use it as training many times.
This allows the company not
to spend money on training
new interns.
Our training simulators:
oil and gas industry
Insulator replacement
Сounter maintenance

Our equipment:

Mass segment
mobile solution:

Professional education
full immersion system:

multiplayer simulations:

The team simulations are a high-end solution, which allows to work out the most complex scenarios