
VR psychology

First of all, you need to decide - does your game really need virtual reality? Remember the 3D boom that was built into each teapot? Use technology wherever they are appropriate.

In what case would VR be appropriate?

The task of virtual reality is to make you feel in another world. Presence is the most important definition of VR.

Among popular games that are great for VR will be games with a first-person view or those in which it can potentially be achieved. For example, Assasin's Creed, God of War, Red Dead Redemption 2, Resident Evil.

Presence effect

Without the feeling that you were in some other place, the game will remain the usual interactive three-dimensional environment, and not a real VR-environment - even if millions are invested in it.

With a presence effect, the player will demonstrate natural reactions and emotions. On a high cliff, you will experience a fear of heights. If you throw a virtual ball, you try to catch it. If a painted person will save you from certain death, you will smile at him. Amazing

Main enemy

For virtual reality, enemy number one is delays and lags. If, after turning the head, the image changes after a full second, the brain will not perceive it as a reality. Moreover, you may experience nausea.

In the case of a stereo image, it is necessary to take into account that the game will require processing two images simultaneously. As a developer, you can’t do anything with input and display delays, but you have to ensure the high performance of the game!

Scale 1 to 1

The scale of the game world must be real. The camera should be located at a height corresponding to normal human growth.

The easiest way to achieve a real scale: the unit of length in the virtual world must correspond to the real - 1 virtual meter is equal to 1 meter of real. The field of view should ideally coincide with the viewing angles of your display. In an ideal virtual world, the distance between the eyes should be calculated with high accuracy. The brain will process all these signals; you may not achieve the effect of presence or it will be unstable - besides, users may feel nauseous - if you do not strictly follow this rule.

Explore your hardware capabilities

Check out the tracking options: Does the device allow for tracking offsets or just turns? Is the sensor capable of reporting positioning data and to what extent? What is its accuracy? When does tracking data stop being useful? See the field of view: following the advice on the scale, you should not distort the virtual field of view. With a narrow field of view, the user will often have to shake his head and risk missing important events on the periphery. Familiarize yourself with the resolution: if the user needs to read the text, you will have to place it closer before your eyes. As with the development for Android, your game will eventually run on a large number of different devices. Soon we can expect a war of many platforms with different characteristics.

Bad habits

Many avid players have bad habits: wearing a helmet, they will sit exactly as if in front of the TV. Those who play rarely will immediately start looking around. Players need to wean from today's game restrictions. In training missions, you need to motivate the player to look around and move his arms. The game should benefit from it.

A great way to get a player to explore the terrain: he takes a candle and goes into the dark, moving and setting some objects on fire when solving puzzles.

Realistic puzzles

Recall situations from life, and use them to increase the effect of presence. For example, recall the number of one of the hotel rooms, or select evidence that you might have caught a glimpse of.

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